Chemical Peels


Common cosmetic concerns, like wrinkles, fine lines, scars, uneven patches, hyperpigmentation problems, and more, can be addressed by a chemical peel treatment at Beauty Medica in Houston, TX. Chemical peels are comprised of exfoliating solutions, like salicylic, glycolic, lactic, and trichloroacetic acids. During a chemical peel treatment, the dead, damaged skin cells are removed as your upper layers of skin slough off. When your skin heals, you should notice a smoother, clearer complexion that appears rejuvenated. A chemical peel facial is a noninvasive option to make your skin luminous and may be used for the neck and face. At our Houston, TX office, we offer chemical peels in several strengths (light, medium, and deep) to accommodate our patients’ skin concerns. If you are interested in learning more, contact our team at Beauty Medica in Houston, TX, and schedule your consultation.


Chemical peels in Houston, TX at Beauty Medica offer wide-ranging benefits to repair and revitalize your skin, including:

  • Addresses multiple aesthetic skin issues
  • Reduces lines and wrinkles
  • Removes dead and damaged skin cells
  • Brightens and balances skin tone
  • Diminishes discoloration, spots, and more
  • Lessens acne scarring
  • Softens skin texture
  • Shrinks large pores
  • Supports healthier skin
  • Pairs well with other procedures


Good candidates for chemical peel treatments will usually have noticeable problems with their skin, including rough patches, acne scars, flaky skin, uneven pigmentation, sun spots, fine lines, wrinkles, and much more. We can suggest different strengths of chemical peels to fit your needs and goals. When your appointment time comes, you will be invited to lie in a relaxed position while our team at Beauty Medica ensures your skin is cleansed before applying the personalized solution to the face, neck, or both. We will brush the solution onto your face and allow it to work for an appropriate amount of time, which will be discussed in your chemical peel planning session. Then, we will wash the solution off your face and apply a neutralizing agent. Based on the peel selected, you may feel mild discomfort during and shortly after your peel. Numbing cream, medications, and ointments can be applied to minimize your discomfort during the treatment. Patients are encouraged to bring sunscreen and a hat to wear outside after the procedure to protect from UV exposure. Based on the strength of the peel you choose, you should expect the treated area to peel and itch, from a few days to a couple of weeks. As your skin heals, you should notice a smoother and more youthful complexion.


Based on the strength of the chemical peel you receive, you should expect your skin to peel and itch from a few days to a couple weeks. A member of our team will discuss ways to treat your skin during your appointment. Please keep in mind that no matter how much your skin itches during the healing process, it is never good to pick the skin off. You may cause scarring to your delicate skin!


If you have never had rejuvenating treatments, Beauty Medica can help you choose the best procedure for your skin. Common skin concerns, like wrinkles, fine lines, scars, and more, can all be effectively treated and minimized with a chemical peel treatment, leaving your skin feeling renewed. Your skin will thank you by looking radiant and touchably soft. Chemical peels can even be combined with other noninvasive treatments to maximize your potential results. Call our office in Houston, TX to get your skin consultation for a chemical peel today.


Is a chemical peel safe for all skin types?

Each chemical peel performed at Beauty Medica is personalized to match the unique skin type, needs, and goals of the patient. Prior to performing the treatment, one of our knowledgeable providers will thoroughly assess your skin, discuss your specific concerns and desired outcome, and customize a chemical peel formula just for you. When performed properly by an experienced provider, chemical peels can be safe and effective for virtually any skin type or tone.

How often can you get a chemical peel?

The frequency of your chemical peel treatments will depend on the strength of the peel being performed, your skin’s response to treatment, and other factors. Generally speaking, patients can safely have light chemical peels about once per month, while medium-strength peels should only be performed 2 – 3 times per year. Deep chemical peels, which are the strongest type of chemical peel, are typically reserved for use once every 2 – 3 years.

How long will my face peel after a chemical peel?

On average, patients can expect their skin to begin peeling about 1 – 3 days after treatment. Depending on the type of peel that was performed, the skin may continue to flake away for up to 3 – 5 days. During this time, it is critical that patients do not pick or scratch their skin, as this can delay the healing process and lead to scarring, hyperpigmentation, and other complications.